Frequency Specific Microcurrent Advanced Seminar and Symposium 2019

- FSM Advanced Course- review w/ Dr. McMakin
- Low Back Hip and Groin pain: Kim Pittis, LCSP, MT
- Reprogramming the Brain: Shirley Hartman, MD
- Using FSM and Functional medicine for POTS and Autonomic Disorders: Paris Kharbat, DO
- Comprehensive Strategies for Mild Cognitive Impairment & post Concussion: David Musnick, MD
- Strategies in Complex Chronically ill patients: David Ou, MD
- Pain, Autoimmunity, Body Brain Connection: Vagal Nerve Tone: Carolyn McMakin, DC
- Case Reports
- Resolution for Autoimmune neuropathy: Paris Kharbat, DO
- Torticollis case report: Regina Thompson, PT
- The Fourth Phase of Water: Gerald Pollack, PhD
- Prosthetic joint repair and treatment case report: David Musnick, MD
- Resonance Dynamics: Juliana Mortenson, MD, PhD
- FSM case reports in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Ben Katholi, MD
- FSM & Intra-abdominal Adhesions- surgical research project: Claire Buckley, MD
- FSM case report- Healing resistant wound: Marilyn Miller, PT, PhD, GCS
- A Case of Left-Sided Weakness: Shirley Hartman, MD
- FSM as adjunctive treatment for wounded warriors: Steve Sharp, MD + Mylene Huynh
- Measuring the effects of FSM using Biofield Recording & Visualization: Roger Billica, MD
- ADD, ADHD Case Series research update: Dave Burke, DO
- Updates on treating Vision Problems with FSM: Laurie Chaikin, DO
- Managing Spasticity in Children: Keith Filip, PT
- The Healing Frequencies of the Law: Jim Turner, JD
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 is no match for FSM: Kristine Allcroft, PhD
- Case reports in dentistry: Mary Ellen Chalmers, DMD, ND
- Case report in PT, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Guillaume Sorel, DTP
- Success in Scleroderma – collected case report: Carolyn McMakin, DC
- If you are curious, you’ll find the puzzles around you, if you are determined you’ll solve them: Diana Cross, MD
- Quantum Leap for FSM: Changing the Universe one patient at a time: James Oschman, PhD