Muscle Reactivation
AMIT is a test and muscle reactivation system designed to evaluate and correct muscle dysfunction. By correcting de-activated muscles with muscle reactivation proper motion, strength and function returns to the body, joints move correctly, and, in most cases, pain is resolved. Muscle imbalances are extremely common but mostly undetectable by the client if they are a trained professional athlete. Our brain has the ability to re-wire around these imbalances as a temporary measure, but over time, more muscle will fail in the adaptation process. This leads to pain and joint deterioration.

AMIT has a specific test and correction for the 600 muscle divisions in the human body. One of best things about AMIT is that its fast, accurate and sustainable. Even better, the patient can immediate verity the muscle failure and correction, so the results are obvious. The process is hands on and painless. Muscles should be tested every 6 to 12 months to maintain their integrity.
Injury causes inflammation, joint swelling, and an avoidance of using the area. The muscles surrounding the traumatized area are reflexively inhibited after an injury. Physicians see this muscle inhibition expressed as post-injury muscle weakness and atrophy that may persist long after the pain and swelling of the original injury have subsided. We feel this is an adaptative and protection system anchored for long-term survival.
Many times, we can sense something is not right, but it’s only temporary. As we discussed, most patients and athletes have learned to compensate for the loss of their muscle function. This compensation reduces their performance and moves them one giant step closer to injury. Other muscles must adapt to take over the loss of muscle function. At the unconscious level, the body avoids using the injured muscle, and our pain goes away. Our licensed professionals have an extensive sports therapy program as well that can help regain mobility.
As time passes, more and more muscles become injured and inhibited. The ability to adapt from muscles that do not work efficiently is lost while mild or chronic pain sets in. Additionally, the lack of proper muscle function leads to compensatory movement patterns throughout the body that start to stress the entire musculoskeletal system and create bio-mechanical distortions. The older you are, the more adaptations you have accumulated.
In our experience, AMIT is the fastest and most effective way to create sustainable muscle activation of any failed muscle. The AMIT protocol has spent over 40 years thoroughly researching the medical literature to identify, evaluate and treat every muscle in the body. Other activities or treatments such as exercise, yoga, stretching, adjustments, massage, and medications may temporarily get the muscle to fire, but we find these methods don’t last more than 24 – 48 hours.
Once the muscles are re-activated, you can now begin strengthening those muscles. Muscle reactivation treatment at Utah Sports and Wellness in Millcreek, Utah is fast and produces sustainable results that will allow you to get back to living the life you want to live with decreased pain, improved function of your body and correct biomechanics.
To view additional information on Muscle Compensation and how to fix it, click here.